Contact Us


Administration department

(818) 504-4700

Credits, collection and billing

(818) 504-4528

Medi-Cal Enrollment Center

(818) 504-4649

Medical Records

(818) 504-4679

Primex Labs

(818) 768-8861

References and authorizations

(818) 504-4569

Senior Center

(818) 504-4790

SERRA Pacoima

(818) 504-4745

SERRA Sun Valley

(818) 768-3000

SERRA Van Nuys

(818) 504-4504

SFV Pharmacy

(818) 504-6965

Sun Valley Dental Group

(818) 394-9686


Centro de Adultos Mayores

(818) 504-4790

Créditos, Cobros y Facturación

(818) 504-4528

Departamento de Inscripciones Medi-Cal

(818) 504-4649 Administración

(818) 504-4700

Primex Labs

(818) 768-8861

Récords Médicos

(810) 504-4679

Referencias y Autorizaciones

(818) 504-4569

SERRA Pacoima

(818) 504-4745

SERRA Sun Valley

(818) 768-3000

SERRA Van Nuys

(818) 504-4504

SFV Pharmacy

(818) 504-6966

Sun Valley Dental Group

(818) 394-9686

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